welcome to wanderland

This is wanderland, a brand new blog for travel junkies featuring stories and photography by global citizen, kimberley (kjd). Stories from prevoius blogs have been migrated to this site and are featured with the dates on or about when they were first published. Older travels, stories, and photography have been back dated to follow a sequential order of travels, but anything after 2016 has not been previously posted. (I know, it's been a while!)
This post was back-dated to 2013, mainly because Deezy didn't like that it was sitting at the center of the blog to divide between old and newly published stories. His point was much considered and taken with the constructive feedback I seek and value. For now, no stories will pre-date 2013...unless I run out of content. But since there is a lot of catching up to do, travels before 2013 will likely live on in memory and photos only.
Some of the travels I am hoping to go back and capture include: (1) Canada - Quebec, Montreal, and Toronto in 2018; (2) UAE, Singapore, and S. Korea in 2018; (3) Iceland and Tenerife in 2019; (4) New Zealand in 2019; (5) Mexico in 2021 and 2022; and (6) Brazil in 2022. Stay tuned to see if these stories will make the blog...
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Happy reading and traveling. CHEERS!